Packing and Encoding

The idea of packing is to store more than one data value in a machine word. The related idea of encoding is to convert data values into a representation requiring fewer bits.


Encoding dates

  • The string “September 11, 2018” can be stored in 18 bytes — more than two double (64-bit) words which must moved whenever a date is manipulated.


  • Assuming that we only store years between 4096 B.C.E. and 4096 C.E., there are about 365.25 × 8192 ≈ 3 M dates, which can be encoded in ⎡lg(3×106)⎤ = 22 bits, easily fitting in a single (32-bit) word.

But determining the month of a date takes more work than with the string representation.

  • Instead,pack the three fields into a word

    typedef struct{ int year: 13; int month: 4; int day: 5; } date_t;

  • This packed representation still only takes 22 bits(Actually this will pack the struct a little bit at the end), but the individual fields can be extracted much more quickly than if we had encoded the 3 M dates as sequential integers

Sometimes unpacking and decoding are the optimization, depending on whether more work is involved moving the data or operating on it.


The idea of data-structure augmentation is to add information to a data structure to make common operations do less work.

  • Appending singly linked lists


The idea of precomputation is to perform calculations in advance so as to avoid doing them at “missioncritical” times.


Binomial coefficients 【Latex 公式!!!!!!!!!】

  • Computing the “choose” function by implementing this formula can be expensive (lots of multiplications)
  • Watch out for integer overflow for even modest values of n and k.


Precompute the table of coefficients when initializing, and perform table look-up at runtime.

  • Pascal’s Triangle
    • vertical axis - n
    • horizontal axis - k

Compile-Time Initialization

The idea of compile-time initialization is to store the values of constants during compilation, saving work at execution time.


Create large static tables by metaprogramming.(easier in Python)


The idea of caching is to store results that have been accessed recently so that the program need not compute them again.

  • 可以做大一点的 cache,这样搜索 cache 耗时会增加,但也可以节省运行时间
  • 可以在软件上实现而不依靠硬件的 cache 来做


The idea of exploiting sparsity is to avoid storing and computing on zeroes. “Thefastestwaytocomputeis nottocomputeatall.”


Matrix-vector multiplication


Compressed Sparse Row (稀疏矩阵的主要存储格式之一)


Constant Folding and Propagation

The idea of constant folding and propagation is to evaluate constant expressions and substitute the result into further expressions, all during compilation.

With a sufficiently high optimization level, all the expressions are evaluated at compile-time.

Common-Subexpression Elimination

The idea of common-subexpression elimination is to avoid computing the same expression multiple times by evaluating the expression once and storing the result for later use.

Algebraic Identities

The idea of exploiting algebraic identities is to replace expensive algebraic expressions with algebraic equivalents that require less work.


When performing a series of tests, the idea of shortcircuiting is to stop evaluating as soon as you know the answer.

&& ||

Ordering Tests

Consider code that executes a sequence of logical tests. The idea of ordering tests is to perform those that are more often “successful” — a particular alternative is selected by the test — before tests that are rarely successful. Similarly, inexpensive tests should precede expensive ones.

Creating a Fast Path

Combining Tests

The idea of combining tests is to replace a sequence of tests with one test or switch.



Hoisting 循环不变代码外移

The goal of hoisting — also called loop-invariant code motion — is to avoid recomputing loop-invariant code each time through the body of a loop.

Sentinels 简化循环边界条件

Sentinels are special dummy values placed in a data structure to simplify the logic of boundary conditions, and in particular, the handling of loop-exit tests.

Loop Unrolling 循环展开

Loop unrolling attempts to save work by combining several consecutive iterations of a loop into a single iteration, thereby reducing the total number of iterations of the loop and, consequently, the number of times that the instructions that control the loop must be executed.

  • Full loop unrolling: All iterations are unrolled.
  • Partial loop unrolling: Several, but not all, of the iterations are unrolled.

Loop Fusion 循环合并

The idea of loop fusion — also called jamming — is to combine multiple loops over the same index range into a single loop body, thereby saving the overhead of loop control.

Eliminating Wasted Iterations 消除浪费的迭代

The idea of eliminating wasted iterations is to modify loop bounds to avoid executing loop iterations over essentially empty loop bodies.



The idea of inlining is to avoid the overhead of a function call by replacing a call to the function with the body of the function itself.

  • 直接写入函数
  • static inline 内联函数

Tail-Recursion Elimination 尾调用优化

The idea of tail-recursion elimination is to replace a recursive call that occurs as the last step of a function with a branch, saving function-call overhead.

Coarsening Recursion 粗化递归

The idea of coarsening recursion is to increase the size of the base case and handle it with more efficient code that avoids function-call overhead.

Chapgpt 对粗化递归的一个例子


例如,考虑一个用于计算阶乘的简单递归函数: def factorial(n): if n == 1: return 1 else: return n * factorial(n - 1)


def factorial(n):
result = 1
while n > 1:
    result *= n
    n -= 1
return result



Closing Advice

  • Avoid premature optimization. First get correct working code. Then optimize, preserving correctness by regression testing.
  • Reducing the work of a program does not necessarily decrease its running time, but it is a good heuristic.
  • The compiler automates many low-level optimizations.
  • To tell if the compiler is actually performing a particular optimization, look at the assembly code.


单词 解释
excuse 执行(代码)
Algorithm 算法
encode 编码
manipulate 操作
Augmentation 增强
Precomputation 预计算
Binomial coefficients 二项分布 系数
implemente 执行(公式)
formula 公式
perform 执行(操作)
compile 编译
metaprogramming 元编程
Sparsity 稀疏的
Constant Folding 常数折叠(编译器优化的一种技术)
Constant Propagation 常数传播(编译器优化的一种技术)
optimization 最优化
common-subexpression 公因子表达式
elimination 剔除
Algebraic Identities 代数恒等式
iteration 迭代
Recursion 递归
heuristic (计算机程序或教育中的)启发式方法
assembly code 汇编代码

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